• Posted by Kim
I found this really cheap (€2) man's shirt on a flea-market. I made it in a really nice dress. If you can work with a sewing machine, even if it's just the basics, it's really easy to make. I did it in max 3 hours. I will do my best to explain but it's really logic how to make it once you have seen an example. Just give it a try, you will see it's easier than it looks.
I found this really cheap (€2) man's shirt on a flea-market. I made it in a really nice dress. If you can work with a sewing machine, even if it's just the basics, it's really easy to make. I did it in max 3 hours. I will do my best to explain but it's really logic how to make it once you have seen an example. Just give it a try, you will see it's easier than it looks.
This is the shirt when I just bought it.
The collar needs to be folded over, just like in the picture. Sew it and half of your work is allmost done ^.^
In the previous step you saw that the collar was in front. So the buttons will be at the back of your new dress. The lower ones will be a part of your dress like you see on the picture. Try your dress on, you will see that if you close the lower buttons and tie your sleeves, you have a good idea how your dress will look like.
Now, this is the hardest part! Your sleeves will become your back-piece. Ask some-one to help you with this!! You have to pin the sleeves in the back for the right size. If you pin the two sleeves to each other you can't get out so pin both sides. measure if the both sides are equal of size. If not just adjust the sleeves, so that the pins are in the middle of your back. Add 2,5 cm( at both sleeves) for your buttons and cut the sleeves of. (If you want you can make some bands so your dress won't fall of, I did not do that)
On the one side there will be buttons, on the other side the holes (am I right if I call them slots? I really dont know the word for those things in English, but bablefish cales them slots...) The side with the 'slots' you have to fold the 2,5cm double and sew it. (SO, your 2,5 cm extra is gone on this side and you have your original length of the sleeve.) The other side you just fold a litle piece (like 5mm) and sew it together. first make your slots, than your buttons. So they are placed correctly. btw: you can take the buttons from the sleeves, so you dont have to buy them!
If you have done all those steps. Your top will look like that....
....and the bottom will look like this
And your new dress is finished!