Drawing Perspective


Posted by Aurum Press


This quick and simple exercise will help you grasp the basics of one-point perspective.


You Will Need (2 things)

  • Pencil
  • Paper

Steps (2 steps, 10 minutes)

  1. 1

    Take an A4 sheet of paper and a pencil, and in the centre of the page draw a landscape-format rectangle, about 6 x 12cm, divided into 2cm squares. (Or, in imperial, draw a similar-sized 6 x 3in rectangle, with 1in squares). Do this without a ruler – it’s a good opportunity to practise drawing freehand! Draw a faint line horizontally across the middle of the rectangle, taking it beyond the rectangle on both sides, stopping a couple of centimetres from the paper’s edge. This is your horizon line/eye level; the bottom of your rectangle is ground level (fig. 1).

  2. 2


    At the mid-point of your horizon line, make a point on your paper. This is your vanishing point. This is the back wall of our hypothetical room, approximately to scale. Because it’s perpendicular to us, it’s not in perspective, but if you now draw straight lines from the vanishing point intercepting the four corners of the rectangle, this will give you the side walls. See how these diminish to the vanishing point? You’re now drawing in perspective!