Cut Out + Keep

Drawer Organizer Box

Based on Drawer Organizer Box by Cat Morley • Posted by Alyssa R.

What I did is actually a mix of this project and Holly B's "Decopage Sewing Box". I color-coded each box. Blue with green, pink with purple, red with yellow and brown, white with black and grey. After decoupaging the outsides of the boxes, I lined the insides with fabric. This was my first time working with hot glue, so it didn't turn out as neat as I'd have liked. I've yet to figure out what I'll be using these boxes for, though. Probably some sort of craft storage, or if I can't think of anything else, under garments.

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1 h 45


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What I did is actually a mix of this project and Holly B's "Decopage Sewing Box". I color-coded each box. Blue with green, pink with purple, red with yellow and brown, white with black and grey. After decoupaging the outsides of the boxes, I lined the insides with fabric. This was my first time working with hot glue, so it didn't turn out as neat as I'd have liked. I've yet to figure out what I'll be using these boxes for, though. Probably some sort of craft storage, or if I can't think of anything else, under garments.
