Draw A Cool Line Picture. (No Artistic Skills Required)

Make a gorgeous line drawing to grace your bedroom wall and to marvel at.

Posted by daisy f.


make an AWESOME Drawing!


You Will Need (6 things)

  • Photocopier
  • sized Baking Paper
  • Pen(s)
  • Magazine Or Comics Pictures
  • sized Paper
  • Pencil

Steps (4 steps, 10 minutes)

  1. 1

    Take a picture of a person or object from a magazine or book. This could be anything, from your favorite singer to winnie the poo. :) Place your baking paper of the same size over the top of it. If you want, use something to hold it in place, such as blu tack.

  2. 2

    Use a pencil to trace over the main lines and features of your picture, copying it in detail. (You could use artistic license)

  3. 3

    Place your baking paper with the picture on it in the photocopier. Press GO!.Once it has finished copying take it out and lay it down on a hard surface.

  4. 4

    Use a black pen to go over the lines so no pencil is showing. Voila! Now you have your picture.