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Dragon Easter Eggs

Based on Dragon Easter Eggs by KMOM14 • Posted by KMOM14

As my 17-year-old nephew collects Godzilla figures, I decorated a large blue plastic Easter Egg to look like "Godzilla Egg" and filled it full of beef jerky snacks as an Easter present, but can keep as a decoration with his figurines and is something he doesn't already have anything like in his collection.

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Medium 116471 2f2017 05 23 040558 dscn9962 Medium 116471 2f2017 05 23 040752 dscn9944 Medium 116471 2f2017 05 23 040806 dscn9945 Medium 116471 2f2017 05 23 040813 dscn9946 Medium 116471 2f2017 05 23 040823 dscn9947 Medium 116471 2f2017 05 23 040833 dscn9957


As my 17-year-old nephew collects Godzilla figures, I decorated a large blue plastic Easter Egg to look like "Godzilla Egg" and filled it full of beef jerky snacks as an Easter present, but can keep as a decoration with his figurines and is something he doesn't already have anything like in his collection.
