Cut Out + Keep

Double Basket Scarf

Simple to make, but looks impressive! • Posted by Elizabeth H.

This is one of my most favorite scarves. While it looks like it would be very complicated, it's just an 18row pattern knit with a combination of knit/purl stiches... nothing fancy! I love the texture it creates and the wavy edges. Why isn't there a time guide??? Well, I never sit down and do a project from start to finish... there's always something else going on or I will stop for a day at a time, so I never really know how long something took!

You will need

Project Budget


4 h 00


Medium new 029 1218980369 Medium new 028 1218980407 Medium new 004 1218980501 Medium new 037 1218980575


This is one of my most favorite scarves. While it looks like it would be very complicated, it's just an 18row pattern knit with a combination of knit/purl stiches... nothing fancy! I love the texture it creates and the wavy edges. Why isn't there a time guide??? Well, I never sit down and do a project from start to finish... there's always something else going on or I will stop for a day at a time, so I never really know how long something took!
