Cut Out + Keep


You did /what/ with mud?? • Posted by Violinagin D.

Shiny mud balls are awesome. Also known as Dorodango they're kinda a thing in Japanese kindergartens, preschools... so of course I had to try it! This is what happened after three days of work and many failed attemps. Stupid online how tos. I will post a how to for this, but right now I'm just happy that after three days of work I have something to show for it. I'll link to another site that has the instructions, but I'll put mine up because the ones I used left out a whole lot of little crucial details. It's made with water and dirt. That's it. No polish, no coating. The shine comes just from the tiny, tiny particles of dirt. And look! Some shine! I think my next one will look more awesome Explination for difficulty: My little brother can do this... but dang. Getting something even remotely cool takes FOREVER. I guess everyone will understand when I get the how to up.

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4 h 00


Medium dorodango 1217394699


Shiny mud balls are awesome. Also known as Dorodango they're kinda a thing in Japanese kindergartens, preschools... so of course I had to try it! This is what happened after three days of work and many failed attemps. Stupid online how tos. I will post a how to for this, but right now I'm just happy that after three days of work I have something to show for it. I'll link to another site that has the instructions, but I'll put mine up because the ones I used left out a whole lot of little crucial details. It's made with water and dirt. That's it. No polish, no coating. The shine comes just from the tiny, tiny particles of dirt. And look! Some shine! I think my next one will look more awesome Explination for difficulty: My little brother can do this... but dang. Getting something even remotely cool takes FOREVER. I guess everyone will understand when I get the how to up.
