Doggie Scarf...Or Cat, Or Fox Or Whatever You Want...

A nice scarf just for you!

Posted by Bryony


Welcome to my very first how to! Be gentle with me please and allow for any mistakes. If this is your first time knitting then I deeply recommend this site for its helpful videos!


You Will Need (7 things)

  • 1 skein Wool
  • Scissors
  • Knitting Needles
  • 30 cm Any colour Fleece Fabric
  • 2 Button(s) for eyes
  • 1 dash Patience !
  • 1 Darning Needle

Steps (8 steps, 65 minutes)

  1. 1

    First cast on to make your scarf as wide as you want.

  2. 2

    Now, knit it as long as you want. Use the knit stitch, it gives a good texture and it's easier.

  3. 3

    Once you've finished knitting it cast off:

  4. 4

    Right! Now you've cast off and got your lovely long bit of knitting you need to fold the ends so they make a point at either end.

  5. 5

    Now take your two buttons and sew them on one end to make eyes!

  6. 6

    Decide what creature you want to make and cut out ears, legs, a tail and a small circle for a nose.

  7. 7

    Sew the shapes on in the appropriate positions.

  8. 8

    Now you can wear your scarf with pride!