Cut Out + Keep

Doctor Who Galaxy Shirt

Birthday gift for a friend's daughter :) • Posted by fetisha

i made this for a friend's daughter's 4th birthday as a gift, she is a big Doctor Who fan :) this was basically a combination DIY galaxy shirt + freezer paper stenciling project; you can find tutorials on those all over the place :) i took the whole-shirt picture before i painted the Police Box stuff on it, then forgot to get a new picture after i did it, doh!

You will need

Project Budget


8 h 00


Medium may 2013 078 Medium may 2013 250


i made this for a friend's daughter's 4th birthday as a gift, she is a big Doctor Who fan :) this was basically a combination DIY galaxy shirt + freezer paper stenciling project; you can find tutorials on those all over the place :) i took the whole-shirt picture before i painted the Police Box stuff on it, then forgot to get a new picture after i did it, doh!
