DIY Zipper Necklace

A very inexpensive, edgy look.

Posted by Vetherz


I have always had a fascination with zippers,I have seen it for quite sometime now. So I decided to make one, and i'm telling is my favorite. Its really simple,just follow the steps.


You Will Need (5 things)

  • Metal Tongs
  • Fabric Scissors
  • 12 in Zipper
  • 1 Necklace Lock
  • Lighter

Steps (8 steps, 30 minutes)

  1. 1

    Take your zipper, I made mine with a 12 inch one but you can use it any length that you want.

  2. 2

    With some fabric scissor, cut the fabric off the zipper, just leaving the teeth.

  3. 3

    Now, pull all the extra fabric with your fingers to clean it up.

  4. 4

    Then take your lighter and burn the rest of what is left on the zipper, careful with this specially if you are using a plastic zipper.You don't want to burn it all. If its a metal, let it cool before touching it.

  5. 5

    Now take you some of this and put the on to the end. If the zipper its too wide you can burn it a little and mold it by touching while its till hot. Dip your fingers in water before touching it.

  6. 6

    Now put the necklace closing, by getting you metal tongs and squeeze then closed.

  7. 7

    Next, put the lock you desire. Secure it in place, making sure it wont fall out.

  8. 8

    And hazaaa! You have a zipper necklace!!

    (Mine had a little accident, because I was distracted and burn it, it did broke and I had to reattached it by melting it and gluing them together.)