Cut Out + Keep

DIY Wrapping Paper And Labels

Tanya's Christmas • Posted by Blink Publishing

Part of the joy I have in finding the right gift for someone is in the wrapping of it. The thought counts in the way you present it, not just in the gift itself, so I want it to look as beautiful and unique as possible. This is also a great craft to do on a night in with friends or when you are watching a film, and is often cheaper than shop-bought wrapping. If you suddenly run out of this you can just make some more!

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0 h 25


Nice & Simple
Medium 2017 11 21 161047 tanya wrapping papaer11905 cmyk


Part of the joy I have in finding the right gift for someone is in the wrapping of it. The thought counts in the way you present it, not just in the gift itself, so I want it to look as beautiful and unique as possible. This is also a great craft to do on a night in with friends or when you are watching a film, and is often cheaper than shop-bought wrapping. If you suddenly run out of this you can just make some more!


  1. Take the stamp of your choice and press it into the ink pad, making sure it is evenly coloured with ink. It’s a good idea to test the stamp out on some scrap paper so you get used to using it.

  2. Now for the fun bit! Unroll your brown paper to its full extent on a flat surface like a table or floor. Secure at both ends with a book or something to weight it down so it doesn’t try to roll back up again.

  3. Stamp across the paper in whatever way you think looks pretty. If you want to do straight lines, then it’s a good idea to draw very faint pencil marks across the paper so you keep everything evenly spaced. Leave the paper to dry and don’t be tempted to roll it back up too soon as it will smudge if the ink is still wet. When it’s properly dry you can rub out any pencil lines very gently.

  4. Lay out all your brown gift labels and use the same stamp you used for the paper, to make them match!