Cut Out + Keep

Diy Wire And Bead Pendant

Wire Jewelries • Posted by Muhaiminah Faiz

This is a simple wire pendant tutorial. Give it a try!

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0 h 10


Pretty Easy
Medium 107924 2f2015 03 11 165009 pendant


This is a simple wire pendant tutorial. Give it a try!


  1. Small 107924 2f2015 03 11 164640 picmonkey%2bcollage12

    Follow the pictures to make this pendant. You'll need to make 4 loops and try to form triangular shape at first. Then, wire around inside the main wire frame.

  2. Small 107924 2f2015 03 11 164645 picmonkey%2bcollage14

    When you will be done making the main pattern attach 3 wired beads with the 3 loops of the pendant (see picture). Attach a jump ring to complete the pendant.