Cut Out + Keep

Diy Watermelon Shoes

The perfect summer shoes • Posted by kittenhood

When I saw these cheap but cute canvas loafers in a local store, I knew what their new look was gonna be: watermelon!

You will need

Project Budget


1 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium dsc 3292


When I saw these cheap but cute canvas loafers in a local store, I knew what their new look was gonna be: watermelon!


  1. Small dsc 3285

    This is what you need

  2. Small dsc 3286

    First thing, fill the shoes with crinkled newspaper. This will keep the canvas straight (mine had an elastic, so this was a must).

  3. Small dsc 3289

    Then, mask the sole and the back of the shoe. Paint the red part of each one. When the first color is dry, mask it and paint with your second color: green.

  4. Small dsc 3290

    When that it done, you can make the watermelon seeds with a thin paintbrush and black paint. Let them dry completely before removing the tape from the sole. If paint bled onto the sole, remove it carefully with an ear stick soaked in water.

  5. Small dsc 3293

    That’s it! Enjoy the rest of the summer.