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Diy Turquoise Cowboy Boots

Turn any old pair of Cowboy Boots into rustic beauties! • Posted by Alida Makes

Several months ago I decided I needed a pair of cowboy boots. Naturally, Pinterest obliged by finding me the most beautiful, expensive boots EVER to fall in love with. And, naturally, I decided I could probably make some for way cheaper.

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


1 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium diycowboybootsextreme


Several months ago I decided I needed a pair of cowboy boots. Naturally, Pinterest obliged by finding me the most beautiful, expensive boots EVER to fall in love with. And, naturally, I decided I could probably make some for way cheaper.


  1. Small diybootsbefore

    That is how the idea for these Rustic Turquoise Boots were born. There was just one problem...I needed a pair of boots for the experiment. Then I went to a swap party and saw these beauties! The first step is to wipe your boots down with a damp cloth to make sure they're free of dirt.

  2. Small diybootstools

    Collect your supplies. Also, you'll need some old grocery bags.

  3. Small diybootsspraypaint

    Fill the boots with paper towels or old grocery bags so they stand up straight and to protect the insides. I used grocery bags, because for some reason I can't seem to get rid of them. Finally! I have found a use! Spray paint the boots with two coats of tan spray paint. Wait 15 minutes between coats. Let dry 30 minutes.

  4. Small diybootspainting1

    Next you'll use a small paint brush to paint inside the stitching. Only do one coat. When you get to the stitches don't use too much paint. You just want to lightly coat it with a dryish brush. If you mess up, don't worry, I promise no one will be able to tell when you're all done. I chose to paint the whole bottom of the boots turquoise too, just to give them a little extra something.

  5. Small diybootsrit

    Poor a mixture of half Rit dye, half water into an old container (I used an empty yogurt container.)

  6. Small diybootsritdye

    I did 2 coats of the Rit dye. You want to make sure it gets in all the cracks, nooks and crannies. The more that gets in the cracks the better! MAKE SURE YOU USE GLOVES! If you don't, your hands will be brown. For weeks. Trust me.

  7. Small diybootsealer

    Let them dry for one hour, then spray with one coat of acrylic sealer. Then let them dry overnight.

  8. Small diycowboybootsrustic

    Go out on the town and do the two-step!