Cut Out + Keep

Diy The Fancy Name Jewelry

This nameplate necklace tutorial is to demonstrate you a quick and easy way to make out cool-looking name jewelry merely with shrink plastic. • Posted by

This nameplate necklace tutorial is to demonstrate you a quick and easy way to make out cool-looking name jewelry merely with shrink plastic.

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Project Budget


1 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium 7 2


This nameplate necklace tutorial is to demonstrate you a quick and easy way to make out cool-looking name jewelry merely with shrink plastic.


  1. Small nameplate necklac3

    Step 1: print name pattern 1st, type your name and print it out on prepared plastic; 2nd, cut out the excess blank part and get the name pattern; 3rd, file the sharp edges of name pattern.

  2. Small nameplate necklac4

    Step 2: polish name pattern 1st, sent it to oven and heat it up; 2nd, flatten it and punch two holes at both ends; 3rd, paint a layer of nail polish to strength the color and then another layer of sealant.

  3. Small 7 2

    Step 3: finish off nameplate necklace After it dries, attach jump ring and chains with a clasp installed on.