• Posted by PinKween
I had a very simple-plain T-shirt, but light in material.. and that's probably what inspired me to come up with such a design :) .. well... print ;)
I had a very simple-plain T-shirt, but light in material.. and that's probably what inspired me to come up with such a design :) .. well... print ;)
This is the T-shirt :)
I cut out my stamp from a styrofoam tray, but there are plates too ;)
This is the shape I came up with... I cut it out of a white tray.. As I mentioned the lightness of the material.. it inspired me to the feather shape... or bracken.. if you wish ;)
I chose these colours for the T-shirt... Yes, did it with the acrylics and yes it works.... ;)
Just simply paint on the 'stamp' and print on the T-shirt.. I'm always quite anxious when creating.. if to be posted as a project.. so I rather focus on the work then taking pictures... Excuse me ... Position your stamp as you feel ... it will come out perfect ..
Here's the outcome ;) Hope you enjoyed it If you made it, pls share yours too ^_^ Love and HappyCreating xox
PS: Let dry for a few hours... iron ... and wash as a delicate... ;) It will last... mine does....