Cut Out + Keep

Diy Ring And Twine Necklace

Super cheap and easy necklace • Posted by Agus Y.

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


27 h 00


Nice & Simple
Medium collar terminado 1 a



  1. Small paso 2

    To start, in you ending make a knot to join all the thread and in the other side glue all the thread so is easier to pass the rings

  2. Small paso 3

    With start putting the rings...

  3. Small paso 4

    For everytume with pass some rings, we have to make a know at the beggining and a knot at the ending:

  4. Small paso 567

    For the end, I made a knot, put 1 ring, folded and with another twine I wrapped around like shown in the image: