Diy Resin Casting Bangle Mould

a simple way to create your very own silicone bangle mould :D

Posted by Carmen


My Inspiration?
Not having much luck trying to find bangle moulds in the style I was looking for :)

Decided I should share with you all as I couldnt find any other How-To's on bangle moulds :D

I would love to see all your versions of this too :D


You Will Need (4 things)

  • Round Plastic Container
  • Plastic Cup
  • Bangle(s)
  • Pinkysil

Steps (6 steps, 60 minutes)

  1. 1

    i have three different bangles to use so i will be making up three moulds.
    you can use any bangle you desire, shop bought, or make your own using clay, ideas are endless as to size and style :D
    what i'm using;
    White with zebra print & blue textured one are just ones i picked up from a discount store, and the middle one is a resin bangle cast from my first practice bangle mould, which i have sanded and polished.
    i have also found things easier if you sand the ends a little so it has a flat edge

  2. 2

    Gather all items needed;
    Round Plastic Takeaway Container
    Disposable Pastic Cup
    Pinkysil (or any Silicone Moulding Compound)
    Bangle to mould
    *Optional - Resin
    plus the usual mixing cups & sticks, gloves etc.

  3. 3

    take the plastic cup and cut the top off (the idea is for to be able to slip through the bangle easily)
    use a bit of glue to stick the cup inside the plastic container.
    *this part is optional, but i have found it will give a much better end result than trying to use the uneven base of the container.
    pour some resin into the bottom of the container (if you cut a few holes along the bottom of the cup before sticking it down, the resin will fill that and hold it all together for when you add the silicone) and wait for it to cure.

  4. 4

    once resin is set, place bangles into container, make up Pinkysil as directed, pour over the bangle, allowing enough to cover the bangle properly and give a thick base.
    allow a bit extra time for the Pinkysil to set to prevent defects in the mould when you remove the bangle

  5. 5

    once its all set, start pulling it all apart! the good thing about using the plastic containers is you can break or cut them away for easy demoulding.
    once the bangle is removed, wash the mould with soapy water to give it a good clean ready for use (let it dry first though!)

    HANDY TIP - while washing it, it is also a good idea to fill mould with water, and tip it into a cup so you can measure how much resin you need for each cast :D

  6. 6

    let your imagination run free and start the resin casting fun :D