• Posted by Muhaiminah Faiz
Making flower from soft drink can isn't anything new, especially roses. I always loved the ones made out of coca-cola cans and so I made one! Check out the tutorial!
Making flower from soft drink can isn't anything new, especially roses. I always loved the ones made out of coca-cola cans and so I made one! Check out the tutorial!
Collect empty soft drink cans and clean the inside to get rid of the stickiness. I made 1 flower out of 1 can. Used x-acto knife to make a small cut right below the top of the can. Then, use scissors to cut off the top. Now, cut straight towards the bottom. And now, simply cut off the bottom part.
Rub the can on the edge of a table to flatten it. Now you have a metal sheet!
Place the templates on the flattened can and trace around the edges of the template petals. Use scissors to cut the petals out. You will have: 3 single petals, 1 large 3-petaled flower, 2 small 3-petaled flowers and a small 5-petaled flower.
Use an awl to make small holes on the cutout petals and flower (as you can see in the last picture of this step). Place the cutout petals and flowers on a wooden board, place the awl right on the spot (for the hole) and hammer the awl once or twice to make the hole. The hole should be appropriate for the bolt to fit in.
You will have to sculpt the petals before attaching them together.
For this flower you will need 2 more 2-petaled flower shapes.
Take the bolt and insert the 2-petaled flower shapes through it. Bend them up one-by-one and squeeze them to the center.
Accordingly, insert the 5-petaled flower, 2 small 3-petaled flowers, large 3 petaled flower and the 3 individual petals.
Attach the nut on the back of the bolt and tighten it as much as possible. I used flat nose pliers to attach and tighten the nut with the bolt.
Done! Have fun making one!