Diy R2 D2 Shoes

DIY R2D2 shoes.

Posted by ThatInkdChick


Hi!!! From the moment I first saw Star Wars, I knew I had an obsession. Sadly I can't, for the life of me, find any products that comply to my geeky status, as my boyfriend would say, AND my pocket. A couple of days ago, I saw on the internet an image of a pair of R2D2 shoes and I HAD TO HAVE IT. So I bought a pair of blanco canvas shows at the supermarket for 6€, acrylic paint and did them all by my geeky self.
It took me about five hours to finished it, but it was mostly waiting for the paint to dry and being my normal perfectionist self.
I used acrylic paint, but you can use fabric paint too.
Please note this is my first DIY project and first time I actually do anything paint wise, so it may not be perfect.
If you decide to do them, please post a photo of it so I can see how they turned out


You Will Need (7 things)

  • Eraser
  • Pencil(s)
  • 1 Silver Sharpie Marker
  • 1 Black Sharpie Marker
  • Silver Acrylic Paint
  • Black Acrylic Paint
  • Blue Acrylic Paint

Steps (12 steps, 300 minutes)

  1. 1

    You wanna start doing the general r2 shape on the shoe with a simple pencil, fortunately if You make a mistake You can easily erase it softly and go back in with the pencil.

  2. 2

    The left side view of the penciled shape

  3. 3

    The right side view.

  4. 4

    After you have everything penciled in and you're happy with the R2 shape, start filling out with the acrylic blue paint using a fine brush.

  5. 5

    Right side view

  6. 6

    Left side view

  7. 7

    Afterwards, you wanna go back with the black and silver paint and start doing the smaller parts and some details like some buttons and stuff like that

  8. 8

    Then, after you have everything in place and dry, you wanna start doing the little details with the black and silver marker, like going around the edges to give it a more finished look.

  9. 9

    Obviously, after I had all the details done, I figured out why it was looking so strange to me.
    I totally spaced out and forgot the silver on the top part of the shoe and it was just white.
    So I went back in with my little brush and painted the inside of the top part silver

  10. 10

    This is optional, of course, but I wanted to make it a little less white, so I went to the edge of the shoe and painted it blue You can totally see the difference in the photo and how it changes completely the look of it.

  11. 11

    On the back of the shoe, I decided to make the rebel's allegiance symbol, in black with silver edges.
    Again, this is optional.

  12. 12

    I advice to spray them with some impermeable spray, to keep them from melting if it rains or you step into a puddle or some this like that.
    And you're done!!!
    I hope you liked this tutorial and don't forget to comment and post a picture of yours!