Cut Out + Keep

Diy Panda In Love Sleeping Mask

Pandaception! • Posted by bunnytan

I love pandas - and since Valentines is just around the corner, why not make something out of them both?

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


1 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium mask1 Medium mask2 Medium mask3


I love pandas - and since Valentines is just around the corner, why not make something out of them both?


  1. Small mask8

    Download and print the template on the matte side of freezer paper. Iron it on your felt fabric and cut according to instructions.

  2. Small mask12

    Mark a small x on where the eyes are gonna be.

  3. Small mask13

    Sew the front layer and the batting like so.

  4. Small mask14

    Next, position your hearts on the black felt, pin it and sew it down. Sew the hearts on the circles first, then sew down the circles on the front piece (the one with the batting sewn on the other side).

  5. Small panda

    Should look like this at the back when you're all done with that.

  6. Small mask7

    Sew the ears and then stuff them with some batting bits.

  7. Small mask15

    Pin the front and back piece, sandwiching the elastic (measure a comfortable fit around your head, add an inch or so and then cut it up) and the ears.

  8. Small mask11

    Enjoy your new sleeping mask! Time to sleep. Haha!