Cut Out + Keep

Diy: Necklace Holder

never get you necklace's tangle'd again • Posted by xxkayxx

This is really easy there's no drilling.

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


0 h 10


Nice & Simple
Medium shelf 1 009


This is really easy there's no drilling.


  1. Small necklace3

    Get the nail and hammer ready along with the coat rack. hammer 3 nails in between each hanger with mine is was 2 at the top and 1 at the bottom.

  2. Small necklace1

    Do this all long till you have filled each gap.

  3. Small necklace2

    now get the no more nails or hard as nail's whatever your using. Then layer the back of the coat hanger with this stuff. I did mine in a up and down zig zag style spreading it evenly.

  4. Small necklace4

    Stick it to the wall very quickly, apply pressure for a couple of seconds then let go.

  5. Small 102 1676

    Leave it to dry over night before putting anything on it. There you have you necklace hanger. Mines still standing and a lot fuller.