Cut Out + Keep

Diy Lip Scrub

Who doesn't want to have soft lips? • Posted by Cheshire K.

How to make your own very easy and cheap lip scrub to get soft lips instead of chapped ones.

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Pretty Easy
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How to make your own very easy and cheap lip scrub to get soft lips instead of chapped ones.


  1. Take your empty container and place it in front of you.

  2. Fill 2 tsp. of sugar into the container. I used normal sugar but you can also use cane sugar if you want your lip scrub to be coarse.

  3. Add 1 tsp. honey.

  4. Choose a lip balm. I used ”Fruity Shine Cherry” from Labello because of the colour and scent. Cut off a piece and add it to your sugar and honey. If you don’t have a fit lip balm you can always try food colouring and flavor.

  5. Lastly you add ½ tsp. of oil. Olive oil is good enough.

  6. Mix all your ingredients together till you get an uniform mass. Et voilà – your lip scrub is ready.