• Posted by Shehzeen R.
With some modge podge and illustrations, update your IKEA cabinet (or any other!) for a unique look, no one else has!
With some modge podge and illustrations, update your IKEA cabinet (or any other!) for a unique look, no one else has!
Get your materials together. 1. Cabinet (of course) 2. llustrations or images (whatever you want to cover the surface with). I found myself this book of anatomical illustrations (with zero educational value because this was a design piece) and it magically had enough pages to cover the whole cabinet. 3. Modge podge 4. Brush 5. Sealant
Set up your cabinet. Preferably in a location where you can make a mess.
Find whatever illustrations you want on your piece.
Rip them out. You could cut them out neatly too but this was easier and faster. And the ripped edges when pasted together added more character to the eventual piece.
Get yourself some modge podge and start pasting them together. I did this in no particular order. Just tried to keep the illustrations I liked best towards the front. Modge podge can be just slathered on so this step is beyond easy.
Keep going.
If you have spaces of wood showing in between, just cut out a piece of white paper and modge podge it up. No worries.Also, you could choose to paint the cabinet white before doing this step, but the way I did it was faster, easier and cheaper.
Once you've covered it completely, you need to seal it so that the paper doesn't come off with time. Put on two coats of a water-based poly (oil-based will yellow the paper). Let it dry between coats which it does super fast. Once done, I let mine dry overnight just to be sure.
You're done!