• Posted by Cathy A.
TOOLS & MATERIALS: Shoes Mod Podge Glitter Bowl Brush White chalk
Use your chalk and your flexible curve to draw lines on your shoes to mark where you want to put your glitter. Do this for both shoes.
Mix your Mod Podge and your glitter together in a bowl. Start with equal parts Mod Podge to glitter and then add more glitter if you need it.
Starting with your big brush, paint your glitter/Mod Podge mixture onto your shoes. TIP: Pat the mix onto your shoes instead of trying to spread with with the brush. This will give you better coverage. Use the small brush to touch up the edges and smooth your lines.
Let them dry. As they dry you can check them and add more glitter mix if necessary.
Keep checking your shoes as they dry for spots where you’ll need to add more glitter mix.
When your Mod Podge dries all you will see is sparkling glitter!