• Posted by margaretsw
Make stunning DIY glitter shoes in less than an hour. All you need is lots of glitter, white glue, a pair of old shoes and tons of glam!
Make stunning DIY glitter shoes in less than an hour. All you need is lots of glitter, white glue, a pair of old shoes and tons of glam!
Choose an old pair of shoes - pumps, ballet shoes or even snickers. Keep in mind that glitter and glue stick best to suede surfaces.
In a plastic container - one you wouldn't be worried about if you can't clean it up later, mix ordinary white glue and glitter.
Your mixture should look roughly like that.
With an old brush apply your glitter-glue mixture directly on the shoes.
It won't look as thick as on the picture bellow, so sprinkle generously more glitter directly on the shoes.
Let dry and repeat steps four and five until every part of the shoes is covered in sufficient amount of glitter. Then let dry overnight and wear them proudlu