DIY Galaxy Print Creepers

Cost of cute platform sneakers online: $80 and up. Cost of making it yourself: less than $20!

Posted by Dead4CEREALZ


I was browsing online one day and saw an adorable pair of pastel galaxy print creepers. I clicked the link to the shop and they were 130 USD -__-
So I took it upon myself to make my own, and I'll show you how, too!


You Will Need (8 things)

  • 2 Old Pairs of Shoes (Make sure they are the same size)
  • Scissors
  • Hot Glue Gun with hot glue sticks
  • White, Blue, and Red Acrylic Paint or fabric paint
  • Sponge
  • Assorted Embellishments (I used 2 kinds of ribbon, some fabric strips, and a couple fabric bows)
  • Blue Glitter Glue
  • Duct Tape

Steps (8 steps, 240 minutes)

  1. 1

    First, cut the rubber bottom off the old pair of shoes that you like the top of least. Mine were a pair I started drawing on, but never finished. Good bye, Tails!

  2. 2

    Once both rubber bottoms are cut off, glue them onto the bottoms of the good shoes. My good shoes were new, because I didn't have any other shoes I was willing to part with. I got them for 5 bucks from Walmart. Make sure the two parts are glued together really well, so they don't fall apart while you're wearing them.

  3. 3

    Once the glue is dry, tape around the bottom (and/or any part you don't want paint on) with duct tape.

  4. 4

    Now, mix your blue and white to get a sky blue paint. then dab your sponge in it and cover the whole shoe in blue spots. It's okay to have a little white showing, like in the picture.

  5. 5

    Next, mix a medium purple color. Mine was about 2 parts blue, one part red, and 3 parts white. Dab that on a little less than you did the blue. Then, mix a pink with 3 parts white and one part red. Dab that on even less than the purple. Finally, dab, very lightly, a little white over top.
    I didn't take a lot of pictures for this because my hands were covered in paint.

  6. 6

    Take your glitter glue and squirt little dots in the center of the bluest spots on the shoes. Then, blend it outwards with your fingers.

  7. 7

    Take the duct tape off and add any embellishments you want. You can see, I added a black strip of fabric, some skinny lavender and powder blue ribbon, and a cute bow. I attached them all with hot glue. Let everything dry for at least 30 minutes. My glitter glue took a long time to completely dry, like an hour.

  8. 8

    And you're done! They might not look perfect, but they're still cool and a ton cheaper than the real thing.