• Posted by Amy M.
I recently tackled the easiest DIY project to ever exist. I've really liked flower crowns ever since I first saw several style bloggers wearing them last year, but I've never desired to have one until recently. I looked into buying one, but they can be quite expensive, and I don't like to pay that much money for something I'm not going to wear extremely often. Then, like a big, fat bag of revenge-starved bricks, it hit me. I could make one...easily! And so, I did.
I recently tackled the easiest DIY project to ever exist. I've really liked flower crowns ever since I first saw several style bloggers wearing them last year, but I've never desired to have one until recently. I looked into buying one, but they can be quite expensive, and I don't like to pay that much money for something I'm not going to wear extremely often. Then, like a big, fat bag of revenge-starved bricks, it hit me. I could make one...easily! And so, I did.
Plug in your glue gun and let it heat up. While the glue gun is heating up, pop your flowers off the stems. They should just pull right off. Snip the remaining green stem off the bottoms of the flowers. Be careful not to cut too closely to the base because your flower could fall apart. If it does fall apart, you can just hot glue the flower petals together. Super easy fix, so don't toss it out! Think about how you want the flowers arranged on the headband. Play around with it before gluing them down.
When you're happy with your arrangement, start gluing! When gluing, I like to put a dot of glue on the headband where I'm going to place the flower and a dot on the base of the flower to give it a nice, strong hold. Press down gently for several seconds (20-30) until the glue begins to dry. Voila! Wear your creation proudly!