Cut Out + Keep

Diy Faux Pearls Bracelet

Multi-strand faux pearls bracelet • Posted by Rozantia P.

This is my first DIY bracelet made of faux pearls. I can't say I followed a certain tute because I was inspired by many pictures on the internet, in magazines and actual bracelets in stores. And, there are many tutorials on YouTube. It's made of three strands: two of them were strung on a nylon beading thread and one is a chain of two-way eye pins, connected with jump rings. I made the two-way eye pins from offcuts of actual head and eye pins, salvaged from another project. The clasp is a barrel clasp from an old necklace. The strands are casually tangled, that's how I like them.

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


4 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium dsc06552 Medium dsc06557 Medium dsc06548 blizak plan


This is my first DIY bracelet made of faux pearls. I can't say I followed a certain tute because I was inspired by many pictures on the internet, in magazines and actual bracelets in stores. And, there are many tutorials on YouTube. It's made of three strands: two of them were strung on a nylon beading thread and one is a chain of two-way eye pins, connected with jump rings. I made the two-way eye pins from offcuts of actual head and eye pins, salvaged from another project. The clasp is a barrel clasp from an old necklace. The strands are casually tangled, that's how I like them.
