• Posted by Quiet Lion
Why spend a bunch of money for feather earrings that you can make yourself for super-cheap? This project can also be found on my blog! Have fun...
Why spend a bunch of money for feather earrings that you can make yourself for super-cheap? This project can also be found on my blog! Have fun...
Step 1: gather materials. You will need some black embroidery floss, a small feather (preferably a found object), one silver earring fishhook, one silver ribbon end, three African tribal beads, two silver crimp beads, and about 3" of small, 2mm chain (differing sizes are ok).
Step 2: add the ribbon end to the tip of the feather. Fold one side in, snug against the feather tip. Then, bend the other side over, on top of the first side. Squeeze really tight to secure.
Step 3: add a length of chain to the feather. You can make it as long as you want. I used about 2" of chain. Then, get your embroidery floss. Thread one bead onto the end of about a 9" piece. Knot the thread (simple overhand) twice near one end, to make sure the bead stays. Then, measure how long you want the longest bead dangle to be. Just eyeball it. Pinch the floss. It should be about as long as the feather.
Step 4: measure how long your dangle is. Remember that (mine was 3") and add a crimp to the floss. Loop the end that you threaded it through, and thread it through again. Make sure you leave a tiny loop on the outside of the crimp, and crimp shut. The dangle should still be your measured inch long, with a free piece of thread on the other side.
Step 5: add your other bead to the free end. Knot the thread twice, making this dangle a little shorter than your previous dangle. Cut near the knot to finish. You will have a double dangle!
Step 6: For the last dangle, cut about a 4" piece of thread. This should be the shortest dangle (think about 1"). Add your last bead to one end, and knot twice near the end. Add the last crimp to the other end, and loop as you did before, leaving a small loop out of the crimp. Crimp shut and cut.
Step 7: finishing. First, add your smallest dangle. Next, add the chained feather. Lastly, add your long double dangle. Finished!
How does it look?