• Posted by Christene A Holder
I’ve always wanted to make a gorgeous fresh eucalyptus wreath! I’ve seen some amazing ones as decorations and I knew that I wanted to have one for my home. So, instead of buying one, I decided to DIY one! I ended up with this amazing custom greenery wreath that is so much easier to create than it looks.
I’ve always wanted to make a gorgeous fresh eucalyptus wreath! I’ve seen some amazing ones as decorations and I knew that I wanted to have one for my home. So, instead of buying one, I decided to DIY one! I ended up with this amazing custom greenery wreath that is so much easier to create than it looks.
First, you’ll need to prep your eucalyptus. Once you get all of your eucalyptus bunches home, separate out the branches and use scissors to cut the stems down into smaller pieces. I cut my branches into small springs that were about 5-6″ long each.
Next, it’s time to start placing the eucalyptus springs into the wreath form. The idea is to have all the eucalyptus leaves and stems flowing in the same direction around the wreath. That creates the really nice, polished look that you want for the wreath.
Start by inserting a few bigger sprigs into the wreath in the direction you want the leaves to flow. Try to push the stem far enough down into the grapevine until it seems secure. The twisted design of the grapevine wreath form will hold the stems in place. Make sure as you go that you continue to insert the sprigs in the same direction around the wreath form.
Keep adding more springs into the wreath form. Don’t worry if gets a bit messy right now, that is all part of the process!
At this point, you should start being able to see the pattern coming together! It might not be perfect or the exact density that you want yet, but you should be able to see a general directional flow starting to form.
Keep adding eucalyptus until the entire wreath is filled up and looks like it has an even density of leaves.
Once the wreath is finished, grab the back of the wreath form and hold up the wreath so that it hangs vertically. You’ll notice that wherever the leaves are going “uphill” in flow direction that the wreath may look a little droopy on that side. This can easily be fixed with some floral wire. Using wire cutters, cut a piece of floral wire and wrap it around the stem part of the sprigs to hold them against the wreath form. It takes a little bit of patience, but you should be able to wrap the wire under the greenery so that they eucalyptus leaves actually cover the wire. You won’t be able to see the wire at all. I wanted my wreath to look a little bit messier so I didn’t add a ton of floral wire. I let some of the leaves fall naturally
To finish the wreath, all you need to do is create a loop to hang the wreath with. Use the wire cutters to cut a longer piece of floral wire and bend it to create a loop. Attach the wire loop to the back of the wreath form through the grapevines. And you’re done!