Cut Out + Keep

Diy Easy Paper Flower

Fun paper craft! • Posted by Muhaiminah Faiz

Follow this tutorial and make these beautiful paper flowers in just a few minutes!

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Pretty Easy
Medium 106330 2f2014 12 17 100102 20141127 110705 Medium 106330 2f2014 12 17 100118 20141127 110715


Follow this tutorial and make these beautiful paper flowers in just a few minutes!


  1. Small 106330 2f2014 12 17 095017 20141126 121546

    You will need 3 pieces of craft paper.

  2. Small 106330 2f2014 12 17 095023 20141126 121625

    Take a piece of paper and fold the paper into half 2 times.

  3. Small 106330 2f2014 12 17 095039 petal 4

    Cut the top of the folded paper into an arch shape.

  4. Small 106330 2f2014 12 17 095055 20141126 130703

    Similarly cut 2 more.

  5. Small 106330 2f2014 12 17 095106 20141126 130801

    Again cut the petaled papers as shown in the 4th picture of this step. Now we have- 2 pieces of papers with 3 petals, 2 with 2 petals and 2 with 1 petal. . Use yellow paper to make stamen and glue it in the center of the flower

  6. Small 106330 2f2014 12 17 095114 20141126 131047

    Now glue the sides of each pieces.

  7. Small 106330 2f2014 12 17 095120 20141126 131139

    After you've glued the sides now glue them one by one together. Keep the ones with more petals on the bottom and the pieces with fewer petals on the top.

  8. Small 106330 2f2014 12 17 095125 20141126 130334

    Take a yellow paper and cut thin fringes on it.

  9. Small 106330 2f2014 12 17 095131 20141126 130406%2b 281 29

    Roll the fringed paper and glue to secure the roll.

  10. Small 106330 2f2014 12 17 095138 20141126 135309

    Glue the fringed paper in the center of the flower and it's done! Enjoy!