Cut Out + Keep

DIY Double Boiler

Great from small kitchens with very little space (like mine) • Posted by KMOM14

Get the same effect of a double boiler by using: large pan a smaller pan a small tin marbles or stones

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Project Budget


0 h 05


Pretty Easy
Medium rep 2bmelting 2bchocolate


Get the same effect of a double boiler by using: large pan a smaller pan a small tin marbles or stones


  1. Small db 2bmarbles

    Put the small tin in the center of the larger pan, add marbles to the tin (to weight it down) then fill the pan with water and bring to a low boil.

  2. Small rep 2bmelting 2bchocolate

    Put the smaller pan on the tin and put the item in the smaller pan you want melted, and you have yourself a double boiler!