• Posted by Joi A.
You've seen these before right? They are called dirty dice or naughty dice and they tell you to do something to a certain part of the body. They are a lot of fun, and very dangerous! Sometimes though, they are limiting, since there is on six sides of the die. You can make your own and get really crazy with it and use whatever verbs and body parts you like!
You've seen these before right? They are called dirty dice or naughty dice and they tell you to do something to a certain part of the body. They are a lot of fun, and very dangerous! Sometimes though, they are limiting, since there is on six sides of the die. You can make your own and get really crazy with it and use whatever verbs and body parts you like!
I found a pic of a cube template. I downloaded it, and put it in my graphics program and typed in the words. If you don't have a graphics program, you can just print out blank cubes and print words separately, then glue the words on the cube.
Print the cubes on card stock and cut them out. I changed the template when printing so that I would get four smaller images instead of one big one.
Fold. You can score the straight lines with a butter knife or a fabric tracer and a straight edge.
You can even add a third one that has the location! Have fun!