Cut Out + Keep

Diy Color Block Letter

Create your own color block letters to hang on a gallery wall. • Posted by Elizabeth R.

Gallery walls are popping up everywhere in homes and so are color block letters. This DIY project is a perfect way to show you how to create a color block letter to add to your gallery wall or to display on a shelf in your home.

You will need

Project Budget


1 h 30


Pretty Easy
Medium 111560 2f2015 10 17 150247 diy%2bpainted%2bcolor%2bblock%2bletters


Gallery walls are popping up everywhere in homes and so are color block letters. This DIY project is a perfect way to show you how to create a color block letter to add to your gallery wall or to display on a shelf in your home.


  1. Small 111560 2f2015 10 17 150556 supplies%2bto%2bcreate%2byour%2bown%2bcolor%2bblock%2bletters.

    Gather your materials to start creating your own color block letter!

  2. Small 111560 2f2015 10 17 150642 using%2bwax%2bpaper%2bfor%2ba%2bdiy%2bproject%2bfor%2beasy%2bclean%2bup.

    Place a piece of wax paper on a flat surface. This will give you an easy clean up once you are done with your letter.

  3. Small 111560 2f2015 10 17 150715 using%2ba%2bfoam%2bbrush%2bto%2bapply%2bstain%2bto%2b%2bwooden%2bletter.

    Apply the stain to your letter using the foam brush.

  4. Small 111560 2f2015 10 17 150732 for%2bdarker%2bresults%2bwhen%2bstaining%2ba%2bwooden%2bletter 2c%2ballow%2bthe%2bstain%2bto%2bsit%2blonger%2bbefore%2bwiping%2boff%2bthe%2bexcess%2bstain.

    Allow your stain to sit for a few minutes.

  5. Small 111560 2f2015 10 17 150756 wipe%2boff%2bexcess%2bstain%2bto%2ballow%2bthe%2bnatural%2bgrain%2bto%2bshow.

    Wipe off the excess stain with a paper towel and let the stain dry for at least an hour.

  6. Small 111560 2f2015 10 17 150839 creating%2ba%2bcolor%2bblock%2bletter%2busing%2bstain%2band%2bpaint.

    Once the stain is dry, create a diagonal line on your letter using painter's tape. Firmly press the tape down and make sure it wraps around to the back.

  7. Small 111560 2f2015 10 17 151030 img 2758

    Using a paintbrush, apply the white paint by brushing away from the painter's tape.

  8. Small 111560 2f2015 10 17 151048 applying%2bpaint%2bto%2bmake%2byour%2bown%2bcolor%2bblock%2bletter.

    Apply 2-3 coats of white paint.

  9. Small 111560 2f2015 10 17 151136 peeling%2boff%2bthe%2bpainters%2btape%2bto%2bcreate%2ba%2bclean%2bline.

    After applying your last coat, carefully peel off the painter's tape before the paint is fully dry. This will prevent the white paint from peeling off the letter. Once the paint is dry, spray paint a coat of the gloss lacquer over the entire letter.

  10. Small 111560 2f2015 10 17 151218 simple%2bdiy%2btutorial%2bfor%2bpainting%2bcolor%2bblock%2bletters.

    You're letter is ready to be displayed!