• Posted by Soviette Union
Every time i visit a new city, my favourite thing is exploring and hunting down all the coolest stores, galleries, bars and haunts. i live on an island so trips are few and far between and i always manage to forget where these places are the next time i visit! to save myself some trouble, i decided to put together all my little discoveries in one place where i could add notations at will. i think it would be pretty cool to trade with friends too. now everythings all in one place that fits in my purse and doesn't look as geeky as a giant map covered in pen marks!
Every time i visit a new city, my favourite thing is exploring and hunting down all the coolest stores, galleries, bars and haunts. i live on an island so trips are few and far between and i always manage to forget where these places are the next time i visit! to save myself some trouble, i decided to put together all my little discoveries in one place where i could add notations at will. i think it would be pretty cool to trade with friends too. now everythings all in one place that fits in my purse and doesn't look as geeky as a giant map covered in pen marks!
fold two sheets of computer paper in half and cut along the folds
then fold those four sheets in half
cut a piece of thin cardboard slightly bigger than the paper sheets
with a sewing machine, sew down the center of the paper, cardboard on the back. use a medium length stitch
now you have a small book! slap some pleasing motifs on the front and you're officially your own publishing company!
use your mad scrapbook skills to put together all your favourite places to eat, addresses of stores you like, art galleries, business cards, phone numbers etc.