• Posted by PaperShaker U.
Ever wondered what to do with those beautiful, heartfelt Christmas cards when the festive season is over? PaperShaker, a design-led luxury cards company who personalise the memorable moments in life, has the perfect crafty solution to make your cards live longer. The PaperShaker team has created a step-by-step guide to make a wreath out of your Christmas cards, a fun and easy task yet so pretty and unique at the same time. If you still haven’t got this year’s decorations up, it’s time to dig out last year’s cards and get crafting!
Ever wondered what to do with those beautiful, heartfelt Christmas cards when the festive season is over? PaperShaker, a design-led luxury cards company who personalise the memorable moments in life, has the perfect crafty solution to make your cards live longer. The PaperShaker team has created a step-by-step guide to make a wreath out of your Christmas cards, a fun and easy task yet so pretty and unique at the same time. If you still haven’t got this year’s decorations up, it’s time to dig out last year’s cards and get crafting!
Take your large dinner plate and draw round it. Then centre the smaller plate within the space and draw around this too.
Cut around the outside and the middle creating your wreath base layer.
Next, draw a holly shape. This will be your template to use on all your cards and envelopes.
Cut it out!
Collect your cards and envelopes and draw around the holly template with a pencil on the back of your mementos! Then, cut them out.
Once you have cut out your holly leaves, start to arrange and glue them around the cardboard base alternating the colours for pretty effect. Top tip: Fold the holly leaves in half to mimic the look of real holly!
Hang your beautiful, unique wreath in your home or if you use this year’s cards, save it for 2015’s Christmas festivities!