Cut Out + Keep

DIY Bracelet With Tinkerbell Charm

A simple bracelet with beads • Posted by Alixia nel paese de web


You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


1 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium 106020 2f2015 01 12 134133 bracciale trilly peter pan 18 Medium 106020 2f2015 01 12 134152 bracciale trilly peter pan 13 Medium 106020 2f2015 01 12 135232 bracciale trilly peter pan 14




  1. Small 106020 2f2015 01 12 134354 bracciale trilly peter pan 1

    this is what you need

  2. Small 106020 2f2015 01 12 134422 bracciale trilly peter pan 3

    Take three pieces of steel wire, they must be similar in lenght

  3. Small 106020 2f2015 01 12 134502 bracciale trilly peter pan 4

    Take a glass/swarowski bead and put it beetwen two small wire beads (PROBABLY THEY HAVE A SPECIFICAL NAME, BUT I DON'T KNOW IT!) and push them with a pincers

  4. Small 106020 2f2015 01 12 134802 bracciale trilly peter pan 5

    Use the same method for all beads, use different kind of them.

  5. Small 106020 2f2015 01 12 134849 bracciale trilly peter pan 6

    Close the extremity with another small wire bead and press it with a pincers

  6. Small 106020 2f2015 01 12 135004 bracciale trilly peter pan 7

    in this way

  7. Small 106020 2f2015 01 12 135038 bracciale trilly peter pan 8

    in this way

  8. Small 106020 2f2015 01 12 135055 bracciale trilly peter pan 9

    add other beads in the other two lines. Put them in the free space between a line and others line. (I don't KNOW HOW TO EXPLAIN IT!)

  9. Small 106020 2f2015 01 12 135156 bracciale trilly peter pan 11

    Close the other extremity add a clasp and the bracelet is ready!