Cut Out + Keep

Diy Book Of Photos For Valentine's Day

Make a DIY book • Posted by Alixia nel paese de web

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Project Budget


1 h 00


Nice & Simple
Medium 106741 2f2015 01 12 140254 album portafoto 13 Medium 106741 2f2015 01 12 140307 album portafoto 15 Medium 106741 2f2015 01 12 141301 album portafoto 11



  1. Small 106741 2f2015 01 12 140508 album portafoto 1

    This is what you need

  2. Small 106741 2f2015 01 12 140521 album portafoto 2

    Cut paper and glue it on the photo book

  3. Small 106741 2f2015 01 12 140536 album portafoto 3

    like this

  4. Small 106741 2f2015 01 12 140544 album portafoto 4

    and this

  5. Small 106741 2f2015 01 12 140559 album portafoto 5

    Take a fake polaroid print and cut the shape

  6. Small 106741 2f2015 01 12 140607 album portafoto 6

    Use your polaroid shape with a couple photo :)

  7. Small 106741 2f2015 01 12 140618 album portafoto 7

    Create more decorative elements with stamps ad transferring letters (I DON'T KNOW IF IT'S THE RIGHT NAME!)

  8. Small 106741 2f2015 01 12 140624 album portafoto 8

    Use staps

  9. Small 106741 2f2015 01 12 140713 album portafoto 9

    Decorate your album with all elements

  10. Small 106741 2f2015 01 12 140719 album portafoto 10

    this is the final design! Cut the ribbon and glue on elements on the paper!