Cut Out + Keep

Diy 'Akela' Necklace

Based on Diy 'Akela' Necklace by katcar~ • Posted by KikiStar

Decided not to put knots between the beads, after realizing my knots were bigger than the beads themselves >.<. Instead, I wrapped thread tightly around the fabric before putting in the next bead. Insert the needle into the fabric to move up the tube and wrap around the top of the bead. Almost like a hidden running stitch. I hope that made sense!

You will need


1 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium dsc02264 1289709048 Medium dsc02304 1291351104


Decided not to put knots between the beads, after realizing my knots were bigger than the beads themselves >.<. Instead, I wrapped thread tightly around the fabric before putting in the next bead. Insert the needle into the fabric to move up the tube and wrap around the top of the bead. Almost like a hidden running stitch. I hope that made sense!
