• Posted by That girl Christie
I wanted to make a dinosaur plushie for a teacher's son, but the internet is lacking in the free-pattern-for-awesome-things department. So I made my own!
I wanted to make a dinosaur plushie for a teacher's son, but the internet is lacking in the free-pattern-for-awesome-things department. So I made my own!
Download this pattern and make it whatever size you want your prehistoric reptile to be. Print, cut out, and trace onto the *wrong side* of fabric. The top shape in the pattern is the dino's belly and inside of legs. You'll need 2 of the bottom shape: one for the left side of Dino, one for the right.
Cut out the shapes, making sure to leave at least 1/4 inch seam allowance.
Fold the belly piece in half length-wise and line up the side pieces, making sure that the neck of the belly piece is on the same side as the heads of the other 2 pieces.
Pin into place along the lines you drew tracing the pattern. Make sure that your fabric is right side in and that you don't pin the sets of legs to each other.
Sew a straight stitch along where you pinned. Again, try to avoid sewing the legs to each other. Don't sew the back and top of the head together yet.
Now cut little circles (about 1 inch across) out of the fabric you used for the dino's belly. Fold these twice to make "spines" and pin them onto Dino's back, pointy end in.
Sew Dino's head and tail up, leaving a 2 inch gap on his back. Flip him right-side out and stuff him with poly-fil or whatever.
Now finish sewing his back up and you're done :D