Cut Out + Keep

Dice Box

A box made out of dice. Yays • Posted by Courtney Couture

So this is a project I did a long time ago, so that's why there's no pics. AND this is my first how-to so...if its bad message me and i'll clarify :D It only took me about 10 minutes to make this, it's quite an easy craft.

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


0 h 10


Pretty Easy
Medium dice box 1202086873


So this is a project I did a long time ago, so that's why there's no pics. AND this is my first how-to so...if its bad message me and i'll clarify :D It only took me about 10 minutes to make this, it's quite an easy craft.


  1. Gather your dice & hotglue

  2. Determine how big the base is, I did 5*5

  3. Hotglue together the base

  4. Gather your dice for the rim, i used 12 for my size box, it's best to leave room between the dice because the hotglue oozes out from under the die

  5. Hotglue those into place

  6. Leave to dry and VOILA you have your very own dice box :D Enjoy!:D