Dice Box

A box made out of dice. Yays

Posted by Courtney Couture


So this is a project I did a long time ago, so that's why there's no pics. AND this is my first how-to so...if its bad message me and i'll clarify :D

It only took me about 10 minutes to make this, it's quite an easy craft.


You Will Need (2 things)

  • Dice
  • Hot Glue

Steps (6 steps, 10 minutes)

  1. 1

    Gather your dice & hotglue

  2. 2

    Determine how big the base is, I did 5*5

  3. 3

    Hotglue together the base

  4. 4

    Gather your dice for the rim, i used 12 for my size box, it's best to leave room between the dice because the hotglue oozes out from under the die

  5. 5

    Hotglue those into place

  6. 6

    Leave to dry and VOILA you have your very own dice box :D
