• Posted by Linoa
Finishing the Dice Bag project...!
Finishing the Dice Bag project...!
Finally chose some beads for the drawstring (bought ceramic beads from Fong's in LA Chinatown) and purchased the string (a satin cord). They match pretty well!
I already had some small matching fabric squares... so I decided to add those, too...
I sewed them into little pockets and stuffed them with some gauze I already had. I then sewed them onto the end of the drawstring. I also cut the string in half to make two strings.
I took strips of the same red cloth and sewed them into drawstring pouches inside the rim of the bag.
After sewing it inside the rim I used the usual method of running the drawstrings through it using a safety pin. (If you aren't familiar with that, send me a message!)
Now all you have left to do is slide the beads on the string and tie a knot!