Devil Duck Earrings

Earrings made from mini devil ducks

Posted by Shala


Quick devil duck earrings, I saw the ducks in a toy store, and had to get some.


You Will Need (8 things)

  • 4 in Chain big enough to pass a headpin through
  • 2 Little Toy
  • 2 in Earring Hooks
  • 2 Head Pin(s)
  • Round Nose Pliers
  • Needle Nose Pliers
  • Wire Cutters
  • Drill

Steps (5 steps, 0 minutes)

  1. 1

    Get some little toys that you can drill. I found these tiny devil ducks at a local toy store. Drill them carefully and slowly with a small drill bit.

  2. 2

    Put the headpin through the toys, if the hole is too big for the head of the pin to hold it on, use a sequin at the bottom of the headpin to hold on your new toy bead.

  3. 3

    Cut the chain in half, and with the round nose pliers make a loop about a quarter to a half inch away from the top of the hole in your toy. Don't close the loop yet!

  4. 4

    Pass the headpin through the bottom link of the chain to the loop then using the round nose and the needle nose pliers, wrap the loop closed. It will look sort of like my illustration, but the chain will be firmly attached.

  5. 5

    Open the loop on the earring hooks, and attach it to the top of the chain.
    Enjoy your new earrings!