Denim Shorts Apron

Apron from old jean shorts

Posted by Caty C.


OOppps, sorry about the tittle, it's denim, :P.


You Will Need (6 things)

  • Long Fabric Strip
  • Jeans Shorts
  • Thread
  • Scissors
  • Needle
  • Seam Ripper

Steps (7 steps, 40 minutes)

  1. 1

    So you need and old pair of jean shorts. These ones actually look better on the pic than they did in reality, but they are so not nice, plus, they dont fit anymore.

  2. 2

    separate the front front the back part. Watch out not to cut the side pockets!!!.

  3. 3

    cutting the sides and the legs part too.

  4. 4

    rip the legs apart all the way up to the zipper.

  5. 5

    lay flat and sew the leg part like in the pic.
    Sew a zig-zag stich all the way down both sides.

  6. 6

    Take the bag pockets off and place them on the front (i hand sew them coz my sewing machine was far away and i'm lazy).
    Then take a long strap of any fabric and use it like a belt.

  7. 7

    You may replace some of this lil stripes to hold the belt from the back piece.

    Now you've got yourself a super strong multi-tasking apron!