Cut Out + Keep

Delicious Cinnamon Rolls

DELICIOUS CINNAMON ROLLS • Posted by mlsny_michal

Pretty easy and delicious dessert for almost any event. You don´t need special tool just your hands. It´s just that simple.

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2 h 30


Pretty Easy
Medium 2021 01 30 132007 1612011316183


Pretty easy and delicious dessert for almost any event. You don´t need special tool just your hands. It´s just that simple.


  1. Small 2021 01 30 131851 1612011316246

    METHOD First we prepare the yeast (milk+yeast+tbsp sugar+tbsp flour) and let it rise (about 10 minutes). In between, you can prepare flour, salt and sugar in a bowl. Then add the yeast together with eggs and butter and create a beautifully smooth non-stick dough. It needs to be kneaded properly for at least 3 minutes. Cover the dough in a bowl and leave it in a warm place for at least 1 hour.

  2. Small 2021 01 30 131913 1612011316218

    Before the dough rises prepare the filling. We just mix the butter with the sugar and cinnamon. You can also add apples or create them separately. After leavening, knead the dough a little and roll it out into slice measuring about 25x45 cm (height approx. 0.8 cm). Fill the slice evenly then add the apples and roll the dough lightly over longer side. Then cut the rolls into about 1.5 cm wide pieces and place them on a higher metal sheet erased with butter or lined with baking paper. Then let it rise on the metal sheet for another 30 minutes. Brush the rolls with egg or butter and put them in the oven.

  3. Small 2021 01 30 131922 1612011316183

    Bake the rolls in the oven preheated to 180°C (350°F) for approximately 35 minutes. If you are making frosting put it on already cooled dough. Enjoy your meal.