a quick and easy holiday necklace
And in addition to the festive project from I want to share with you one I whipped up for the holidays. I have mentioned that "reindeer" is my theme this year and I happen to find a whole bag of these little wooden reindeer at a thrift store. I had every intention of covering them all with different pattern paper and fabric but so far I have made, um, one. Well, it's a start right?
- Chudames favorited Decoupage Reigndeer Necklace 13 May 05:48
- Bayou Jenn added Decoupage Reigndeer Necklace to Jewelry 16 Jun 01:01
- cristinakilljoyway favorited Decoupage Reigndeer Necklace 03 Jan 22:55
- Bat Ma'am favorited Decoupage Reigndeer Necklace 07 Nov 16:45
You Will Need
Step 1
I used a decorative napkin and some white glue to decoupage it onto the wooden reindeer.
I then coated it with DG3 Art Gel from Judikins. I love it! Oh and hey if you want an even simpler holiday jewelry project pop on over here for another one I whipped up again on the reindeer theme. It would make a good craft for young and old at a party because it's no mess and able to be instantly worn!