Cut Out + Keep

Decoden Iphone Cover

Kawaii cover for my long awaited Iphone • Posted by Sophie G.

I lived in Japan for 2 years, saw Decoden every day but for some reason had no inclination to try it until a year after I got home!! So silly! This went quite well actually. I used E6000 glue which was a mistake as it warped and bubbled the rhinestones. I am going to search for a better glue and then will have a go at selling these covers. Hooray! People stare at it on the street..

You will need

Project Budget
Reasonably Priced


2 h 00


Nice & Simple
Medium photo on 2012 09 02 at 15.29


I lived in Japan for 2 years, saw Decoden every day but for some reason had no inclination to try it until a year after I got home!! So silly! This went quite well actually. I used E6000 glue which was a mistake as it warped and bubbled the rhinestones. I am going to search for a better glue and then will have a go at selling these covers. Hooray! People stare at it on the street..
