Cut Out + Keep

Deadliest Catch (Its Not Just For Crabs!)

Deadliest catch; Its not just for Crabs • Posted by Heather R.

This was an embroidery project I did using crayon tinting and hand stitching. I copied the pattern from the dover tattoo clip art book, enlarged it and transfered it onto fabric using a transfer pen and a light box. To crayon tint you color on the fabric then Iron the project face down on a piece of paper to wick away the wax, leaving just the color. Then you stitch in the details. When I was done I stapled it to an artist canvas and glued shells around it to make a frame.

You will need

Project Budget
Reasonably Priced


384 h 00


Medium 070 1244683794 Medium 057 1244684365 Medium 060 1244684582 Medium 059 1244684865 Medium 056 1244684990


This was an embroidery project I did using crayon tinting and hand stitching. I copied the pattern from the dover tattoo clip art book, enlarged it and transfered it onto fabric using a transfer pen and a light box. To crayon tint you color on the fabric then Iron the project face down on a piece of paper to wick away the wax, leaving just the color. Then you stitch in the details. When I was done I stapled it to an artist canvas and glued shells around it to make a frame.
